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Hong Kong Foot Body Massage 本店於尖沙咀開業20年 , 前址於新港中心三樓 , 現提供正宗健康按摩服務 , 資深按摩師多年經驗 , 定能為您消除疲勞! 本店另為各大小公司提供上門服務 , 取價公道 , 絕不取巧 , 歡迎查詢 . 海防道店 尖沙咀海防道38-40號中達大厦8楼全層 電話號碼: 26180681 Whatapp : 51899684
健康及醫療 / 按摩服務足藝舍 rendezvous

The landscaped garden offers a relaxing lifestyle, peace and tranquility of green living.

宇宙健康顧問有限公司 Body Check center 地址:Rm 1410, New Trend Ctr, 704 Prinic Edward Rd. East, Kowloon 電話:35906110

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Whether new or used, the company specializes in the purchase of vehicles from various European countries and Japan.
G汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Gainfull Motors Trading Ltd.

Her other fashion narrative film Refraction was in competition at the Shaded View on Fashion Film in Paris and was shown to an international audience at the Centre Pompidou.
R設計 / 時裝設計RI.by.CARRIE

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國際文憑課程包括: 美容文憑課程, 國際高級美容治療師全科文憑, 國際專業美學面部全科文憑, 國際專業電學儀器文憑, 國際專業美甲師文憑, 國際高級化妝及髮型設計文憑等.
美容 / 教學進修卓姬國際美學會有限公司

銅鑼灣樓上高級髮型屋美甲枱出租 --位於蘭芳道,近Lee Garden及希慎廣場 --店内環境舒適, --提供燈機,吸塵手枕及磨機 --可接本店大量FREELANCE工作,收費高,拆賬高 --租金特平$4000/月,$250/日,$50/小時 --適合初創業人仕或需空間練習學生 --另可時租Spa Chair修腳或Gel腳 歡迎來電査詢,電話:9862 6069
k美容 / 美甲kenko1020

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We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing

0Over the past years, GML has held many road shows at various venues in Hong Kong to increase customer awareness of the quality stock the company has on offer
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠金孚汽車有限公司

Cooling Principle Evaporative cooling is responsible for the chill you feel when a breeze strikes your skin. The air evaporates the water on your skin,with your body heat providing the energy. By for
家居 / 園藝及戶外設備霧化降温工程 outdoor cooling

提供不同品牌的hard gel,soak off gel及水晶甲,從日本引入了最新的UV進化版甲油.
Q美容 / 美甲Qute Nail Salon

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p美容 / 教學進修poyi76maggie
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